What is Fear?

Fear isn' t a single feeling, it's a mix of several factors like the fear of the unknown, the doubts about one's own ability, the fear of a refusal or the fear of isolation, the fear of envy...We live on fears: of tomorrow, of the unknown, of an event...These fears can be collective, like the fear of the world end or the fear of a nuclear attack.

There is also the fear of everyday life, common in some societies like the Germany of Hitler or the Russia of Stalin. Fear is a normal defensive emotion due to a real or imaginary danger; so it is always the fear of something, of an object, and to feel some fear is a good defence because it compels us to be more careful.

Don't risk your life in stupid situations, so, if you want to be happy, sometimes you must feel afraid!


...if you aren't in a terrible rush, please, wait....and read this poem...


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