Summary and results

The 23rd March, the first day of the meeting, was devoted to the journeys to Scotland from Italy and Norway. The Italian students and teachers arrived at Edinburgh Airport at 15:05: the students met their host families at Armadale Academy at 16:30. The Norwegian students and teachers arrived in Edinburgh Airport at 22.00 and the students met their host families at the school gate. The staff of the partner schools stayed at Hilcroft Hotel in Whitburn.Project evaluation

On the following day, 24th March, they all met at Armadale Academy: most of the day was devoted to the evaluation of the project by the students and the teachers who worked on it in separate groups and together.



The school swimming pool
Before having lunch in the school canteen, they had the opportunity of visiting the school.

The school canteen









Project evaluation


After lunch they all worked on the project evaluation and the teachers were also busy with the analysis of the final report.




Project evaliuation


On Wednesday 25th March the groups were still involved in project evaluation activities.
In particular, questionnaires were prepared for the students who had taken part in the whole project activities and for the students who had only taken part in the local activities.


In the late morning they had the opportunity of going to Edinburgh by train, to be escorted by Scottish students and teachers on a visit of the city. Edinburgh






The Falkirk Wheel


Thursday 26th March was devoted to the participants’ journeys back to Italy and Norway. The Italian students and their teachers, who left in the afternoon, had the opportunity of visiting the Falkirk Wheel, the only rotating boat lift of its kind in the world, which connects the Forth and Clyde Canal with the Union Canal. They also went on a boat trip on the canals.



The Falkirk Wheel


The Falkirk Wheel